
Monday, October 15, 2012

Vanilla Steamed Buns(Mantou)/ Straight Dough Method

I'm using the same recipe as Char Siew Steamed Bun which add in baking powder after the 1st proving instead of adding at the beginning.

My hubby likes to sandwich with BBQ bacon
As for vanilla I had been curious how the taste looks like in steamed buns. Since I have my own homemade vanilla extract I can experiment with it! I would say the vanilla sense is not so obvious when the bun is hot. I only smell it the next day while I was about to reheat them for breakfast.

I more on sweet taste...butter and kaya!
Let me show you how this simple steamed buns are made!
Ingredients: (yield about 55g x 10 pieces)
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup low protein flour
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp instant yeast
170 ml water
2 tbsp vanilla extract (homemade)

1/2 tsp double action baking powder
1 tbsp water

1. Put flour, sugar and yeast in mixing bowl. Pour in water and vanilla extract. Knead till form soft dough. Cover and rest for 1 hour or double its size.
2. Transfer the dough on working surface, spread out the dough with hand.
3. Add double action baking powder and water in a small bowl. Stir with spoon and make sure is fully dissolved (only mix when about to use. Bubbles will appear as you stir). Pour the mixture on top of spread dough. Slightly knead till well combine.
* kneading with hands is sufficient.
4. Shape into ball. Divide into 10 portions as shown.
5. Shape each portion into ball and leave to rest for 10 minutes.  

6. Roll out into oval shape. Brush with some vegetable oil. Fold to close and place on greased paper. Leave to rest for 15-20 minutes.
* Some are steamed in round shape.
5. Start steam from cold water. After water come to boil steam further for 8 minutes. When done leave steamed buns inside the steamer few minutes before open the lid.


  1. Hi Vivian, nice bun so soft and fluffy. Delicious to eat with pork belly cook in black sauce. ;)

    Have a nice week ahead.

  2. Hi Viv,

    With or without vanilla, these buns looks very nice to eat. Interesting that the smell of vanilla only appear after you re-heat the buns.


  3. Vivian, your buns look so soft and fluffy. I would love to eat it just on its own. It's something new to me to put vanilla flavour for mantou.

  4. Lovely buns! Looks so soft and fluffy! Great with just about any filling!

  5. Hi question do I need to knead it till soft dough like making bread window pane stage? Coz I just made it i knead it till incorporated only and now leave it to double...


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