
Monday, November 19, 2012

Granola Coconut Bar with Apricot Filling

Last 3 days I was away from home. I was at hospital with my 13 months old girl. She was hospitalized due to lung infection. Actually she had been sick quite often last 2 weeks. First she had fever with flu and cough. After medication we thought she had recover. Few days later fever back again with cough and throat inflammation. Again doctor gave medicine with antibiotic for fever. However my girl health condition only good for few days. Again fever came back and this time with very serious cough which disturb her sleep. This time the outpatient doctor referred me to child specialist. After checking my girl, doctor told me she needs to be x-ray for further examination on her lung. I was shock when being told my girl's lung was infected quite serious and has to be admitted for special treatment.
First 2 days she was given medication with antibiotic and special treatment named nebulizer. It has to be done every 2-3 hours. Although is not hurt my little girl still cry and struggle during the 'Neb' (short form for nebulizer) treatment. Besides it is very hard to get her drink medicines too. I have no choice and make sure she drinks. I try my best to get her better as I'm worried she needs to suffer more if her condition not improved. If not better another type of antibiotic will be used and this time via injection. Once started she need to be injected for continuous 5 days! And of course hospitalised for more days…


Special mask is used for the 'Neb' treatment
I'm glad my little girl has rapid recovery. Her lung condition did improve on the 2nd day of hospitalized. Doctor advised to stay another day for the 'Neb' treatment. Although my girl condition getting better, she had very poor appetite. She refused to be breastfeed. She always give 'No' sign for any solid food that I offered. We including doctor had no clue why this happen. I'm hoping her appetite will get better the next day. Or else she can't be discharged on the 3rd day. On the early morning, her appetite comes back and it seems she is alright. With permission of doctor my girl finally can go home.
I'm glad we are home now. Being in the hospital I have no access to Internet. That's why I disappear for few days. I hope my baking and cooking routine will back to normal very soon. Thanks for being patient of reading my story :D Let goes to today recipe, granola coconut bar with apricot filling.

Still have remaining muesli? Why not bake some healthy bar with it? I like rolled oat bar. I used to bake it with filling. I like the chewiness of the rolled oat and the sweetness from the filling. This time I replace rolled oat with muesli. Besides I added desiccated coconut (mission to clear stock :P) into the bar as well. The result is surprisingly good!

I'm using margarine instead of butter. The advantage of using margarine is I do not need to wait for it to soften at room temperature. Since I'm hand mixed I found it is easy to beat till light. Feel free to use butter if you dislike baking with margarine.

Granola Coconut Bar with Apricot Filling
110g margarine (or butter)
60g light brown sugar
1 egg

1 tsp vanilla extract

170g all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
*sift together and set aside

50g desiccated coconut
200g muesli (Keep remaining 50g for the topping)

About 150g apricot jam as filling
*use any filling of your choice

1. Beat the margarine and sugar until light (hand whisk will do). Add in egg and vanilla extract. Beat till well combine.

2. Fold in sifted flour and baking soda. Fold to combine. Then add in desiccated coconut and 150g muesli. Again fold to mix well.

3. Press 2/3 of the dough into the bottom of the lined square pan (I’m using 8”). Add the balance of 50g muesli into the remaining dough.

4. Spread the filling evenly on top. Crumble the dough over the filling. Gently press to make it tight.

5. Bake in the preheated oven 180C about 25-28 minutes. Remove from oven. Leave for few minutes before transfer out from pan to cool on wire rack. Cut once completely cool. Store in container and keep in fridge.

I'm still not done with the muesli. Coming up is another easy bar with fruits recipe. Stay tune!


  1. Poor girl, she must be suffer a lot during the hospitalization. May your little girl get well soon!

  2. Vivian, sorry to hear abt yr lil darling... Hope she will gets well soon, otherwise, u will be strained out as well... Take care!
    The Granola Coconut Bar looked extremely delicious as well.

  3. Vivian, hope your girl gets well soon. Poor thing and poor you! These granola bars are looking good. Great for a snack or for breakfast.

  4. A healthy snack bar! :) Take care!

  5. Hi Vivian, sorry to hear ur little baby is not feeling well. Hope she get well soon n be healthy. A lovely healthy snack. Take care of urself too.

  6. Hi Vivian, hope your daughter will be fully recovered soon. I have that experience with my daughter when she was a toddler. She was on the nebulizer for about a year.
    Your granola bars looks very nice, perfect with a cup of milk.
    Hope you have a good week!

  7. Vivian...
    only thing ta i can do for ur girl is praying....

  8. i know when children gets sick, it's very stressful for parents. Glad to hear that your girl is okay now and hope her appetite is back to normal by now.


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