
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Baked Egg /Ouefs En Cocotte (Nigella Lawson)

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These baked eggs are pretty simple to prepare. Just crack an egg in individual ramekin and seasoned with salt, cream and tiny drop white truffle oil. Since I don’t have truffle oil I replace with grapeseeds oil. According to Nigella you can add other flavour addition like adding chopped ham, diced cooked mushrooms, herbs etc. in the base of ramekin before crack the egg. Sounds pretty great right?

But for today baked eggs I keep it simple and stick with her basic recipe. The baked egg tastes more like Chinese style soft boiled egg but with addition flavour of cream and oil. It is important to watch up the egg and not over bake till cook through. I’m pretty happy to eat it with few slices of toasted bread.

Recipe adapted from Nigella Express cookbook
Baked Eggs
Butter for greasing ramekins
6 eggs (organic preferable)
1½ tablespoons kosher salt
6 tablespoons heavy cream (replace with evaporated milk)
1½ white truffle oil (replace with grapeseed oil)

1. Preheat the oven to 180C and put a full kettle of water on.

2. Dip a pastry brush in a soft stick of butter and grease 6 ramekins of about ½ cup (4oz) capacity each, putting them into an ovenproof pan or dish as you go.

3. Crack an egg into each ramekin, followed by ¼ teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon of cream and finally ¼ teaspoon of the white truffle oil.

4. Pour boiling water into the pan to come about halfway up on each ramekin. Put in the oven and bake for 15 minutes (mine only 8 minutes). Serve immediately. 

I’m linking this post to

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Little Thumbs Up, where the ingredient for this month is Eggs, hosted by Baby Sumo from Eat Your Heart Out, and organized by Zoe from Bake For Happy Kids, together with Doreen from My Little Favourite D.I.Y.  


  1. ivy sew http://simplybeautifulhealthyliving.blogspot.comWednesday, 21 August, 2013

    Simple, healthy and yummy breakfast :)

  2. Hi Viv,

    You know what? I like to eat your yummy baked eggs with a little bit of the Singaporean style. A few drops of premium dark soy sauce and white pepper!!! No need truffle oil lah! :p


  3. This is a simple dish but yet so yummy!

  4. Yummy! My kids' favourite! We love eating it with toasted garlic bread.
    Thank you for linking!

  5. Vivian, I love this baked egg with light soy sauce!! yummy!

  6. Vivian, this is in my to do list too! yumz.....

  7. What a luxurious but simple breakfast idea. I would certainly love this! Truffle oil is a good investment, a bottle goes a very long way. Thanks for linking this to LTU!


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