
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Easy No-Bake Cheesecake (Nigella Lawson)

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Nigella Lawson is the chosen 'Star' for this month Cook Like A Star hosted by Zoe from Bake For Happy Kids, Anuja from Simple Baking and Joyce from Kitchen Flavours. I'm fans of Nigella! Everything she cooks sound so simple and yet looks so inviting and appetizing! I own her cookbook for quite sometimes and this is the best time to try out her recipes.

I am attracted by her easy no-bake cherry cheesecake. Since a friend of mine asking for easy cheesecake recipe I decided to try. This easy cheesecake has no gelatine powder neither eggs are used. Therefore no heating or cooking is required. For the cheesecake batter, all you need is whip/beat, fold and fill the pan. Sounds super easy right?

She serves her cheesecake with cherry conserve. Since cherry is expensive here I substitute with homemade pickled roselle. Just blend the pickled into paste and spread on top of cheesecake. Love these combinations and just as good as the one I made in Roselle Cheesecake. She highlights not to use cherry pie filling or jam but anything labelled 'conserve' is good to use.

Since this cheesecake doesn't use any thickening agent it can't stand long at room temperature especially hot weather like us here. So it is best to consume just after remove from fridge. 

Adapted with minor change from Nigella Express Cookbook, Cherry Cheesecake
Easy No-Bake Cheesecake (Nigella Lawson)
80g cream cracker crumbs (original 1¼ cup graham cracker crumbs)
1 tablespoon powdered sugar (original 2 tablespoons)
30g melted butter (original 6 tablespoons)

1 cup whipping cream (original heavy cream)
250g cream cheese, room temperature (original used 10 oz, about 280g)
¼ cup powdered sugar (original ½ cup)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ teaspoon lemon juice

Pickled roselle purée (original used 1 10-oz jar cherry conserve)
*Drain pickled from syrup then blend with food processor till fine. If the puree is too thick just add in syrup to get the right consistency.

1. Mix the cream cracker crumbs and sugar with the butter until the mixture coheres. Press the mixture into a 7-inch lined removable bottom pan (or springform pan). Keep in fridge until needed.

2. With an electric mixer, beat the whipping cream at low speed till soft peak form. Keep in fridge until needed.
* Do not over beat as the oil will separate from cream. In order to prevent this happen, place the bowl on ice bath and beat at low speed. Once thicken or ‘lines’ seen it is done. 

3. Without washing the beaters beat together cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and lemon juice in a bowl until smooth. 

4. Remove the whipped cream from fridge. Fold it into the cream cheese mixture.

5. Pour the cheesecake filling on top of cracker base and smooth with spatula. Put it in the fridge for 3 hours or overnight.

6. When about to serve the cheesecake, unmold by removing the sides of springform pan and spread the pickled roselle puree/cherries conserve over the top. Enjoy!

I’m linking this post to Cook Like A Star hosted by Zoe from Bake For Happy Kids, Anuja from Simple Baking and Joyce from Kitchen Flavours.

I like to take this opportunity to wish all 
Happy Holidays and 
Selamat Hari Raya! 


  1. Can I exchange my strawberry version with you? Happy Holidays!

  2. Oh my, you made this look so easy yet the result is delish! Love your roselle jam substitute!

  3. Hi Vivian, this cheesecake looks absolutely delicious! Interesting jam substitute you've got there! :)

  4. I am sure this beautiful cheesecake taste delicious.

  5. Your unbake cheesecake looks so lovely with the roselle jam! Love it!

  6. Wow, your homemade pickled roselle really takes it to another delicious level! Your cheesecake looks divine! I have read this recipe from the book many, many times! Love it!
    Thanks for linking!

  7. ivy sew http://simplybeautifulhealthyliving.blogspot.comWednesday, 07 August, 2013

    The pickled roselle looks so delicous and your cake is making me drooling...

  8. This cheesecake makes me want to sink my teeth into it!

  9. What a tasty and easy cheesecake, Vivian! I love the use of the homemade roselle puree - it's beautiful and I'm sure so tasty.

  10. Hi Viv,

    Heard about the super long weekend... Happy holidays to you and your family!!!

    Your cheesecake is made with roselle puree!?... very unique!


  11. Vivian, very pretty cheesecake!

  12. Vivian, your cheesecake looks very tempting!! What more with roselle, it brings it up one more level. I love it.

  13. This looks delicious! I love cheesecake. =)

  14. Wow! I love it. It looks so delicious.

  15. indeed this sounds manageable! i'm such a freak when it comes to making all sorts of cheesecake!


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