
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Chocolate Cheesecake with Chocolate Ganache(without Wipping Cream)

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Worried of out of whipping cream when thinking of making cheesecake? But not for this one! The cheesecake itself and even the ganache are not using any cream (which I had used in cake crumbs cupcakes as frosting). If you ask me is this low fat chocolate cheesecake? I would say ‘Yes!’ if you omit the chocolate ganache :D Anyway since no cream is added it should be alright to take a bit more calories from the chocolate. LOL!

I used Martha Stewart's chocolate cheesecake recipe (low fat version). Since I have extra chocolate ganache from previous cake crumbs cupcakes I decide to spread it on this chocolate cheesecake.

This cheesecake is not rich as those made with cream. It has the tangy taste of yogurt with chocolate flavour. The topping of ganache really give bonus to this chocolate cheesecake (of course with added calories too :P). I really enjoy it! Can't wait to bake again...

I'm using toasted chocolate cake as base. Feel free to substitute with any biscuits that you prefer.

Adapted and slightly modified from Martha Stewart chocolate cheesecake squares

85g toasted chocolate cake (can replace with biscuit crumbs)
250g cream cheese
1 cup yogurt (replace for sour cream)

1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 
2 tablespoons cornstarch

*sift together and set aside
95g sugar
2 eggs, weight 55g each (replace for 1 large whole egg, plus 1 large egg white)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Handful of chocolate chips (omit)

I used 8' round pan instead of 8' square pan.

1. Lined the base and side of baking pan. Set aside.

2. Put toasted cake into plastic bag. Slightly press with the help of rolling pin till form fine crumbs. Gently press crumbs into bottom of prepared pan.

3. With hand mixer, mix cream cheese and sour cream until smooth, scraping down sides of bowl as needed. 
*hardly get smooth mixture. Next time will mix the cream cheese with sugar first before adding yogurt.

4. Add in sifted cocoa and cornstarch, sugar, eggs and vanilla extract. Mix until smooth. Pour into pan; sprinkle with chocolate chips if using.

5. Bake in preheated oven at 120C for 1 hour or until just set. Remove from oven and leave to cool completely in pan.
*I used water bath.
*adjust the temperature according to your oven.

While waiting for the cheesecake to cool prepare the chocolate ganache. Here is the recipe for chocolate ganache without using whipping cream. 

Adapted from Yummy Tummy

Half the recipe

25g butter (next time will increase to 50g)
60g milk(I used evaporated milk)

100g semi-sweet chocolate (cut into pieces)

1. Mix butter and milk in pan. Bring to boil till butter melt.

2. Turn off the heat, add in chocolate pieces and leave aside for few minutes.

3. Still till smooth and leave to cool completely before keep in fridge.

*the ganache will thicken as it cool. Keep in fridge to fasten the process. 


1. Once the cheesecake has cool, pour the chilled chocolate ganache on the cake. Spread evenly with the help of a spoon. Refrigerate till the ganache is set. 

2. Remove the pan; peel off paper. Cut into slices and serve. Enjoy!

Hot weather, chilled cheesecake and slow action of photo taking session resulting 'sweat' cake :D

I'm linking this post to 

~Recipe Box #30 hosted by Bizzy Bakes

~See Ya In The Gumbo hosted by Ms. enPlace


  1. Oh yum! Another chocolate delight! Looks yummy! Less calories and fat? In that case, can I have another slice? :)

  2. It looks delicious, Vivian! I think even without the ganache it will taste very good.

  3. Actually i was eyeing this recipe, just haven't got time to make it.... now that you tell me its good, i shall put on my to do list.

  4. You got me at chocolate! This cake looks delicious. It's great that it's lower in fat and calories. =)

  5. Hi Viv,

    Seems that I'm not the only one who can't forget Martha Stewart. Nice to hear that MS low fat cheesecake recipe has worked well for you. Reading your description makes me feel like making this cake too.


  6. Yummy!i like chocolate cake。 :)

  7. Nice blog.. Thanks for sharing this information with us

  8. Thank you for coming by and linking up with See Ya in the Gumbo. It is nice to have you join in. How did you know chocolate is my favorite?!

    You cake looks like it should be in a bakery case...perfect!

  9. Hi Viv,
    This is a lovely chocolate cheescake. Look so tempting!
    Low gulit eating one or two slices...LOL



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