
Monday, March 11, 2013

Mee Bandung (Bandung Noodles)-MFF Johor

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One of the reasons I choose to cook Bandung noodles is because my hubby request. He is 'craving' for Bandung noodles :D He had spent about 6 years in Johor for his U studies. And Bandung noodles is one of his favourite meals while dining out. However my Bandung noodles is not the same as the one he usually eat. I guess there is different version of Bandung selling in Johor. And mine is not the one :P Nevertheless it still tastes good.

According to Malaysian Kitchen, Mee Bandung is a dish originating from Johor, specifically from Muar. The term 'Bandung' is not derived from Bandung, Indonesia but as a term for anything that is mixed from many ingredients.

Recipe reference from Malaysia Kitchen
Mee Bandung (Bandung Noodles)
½ kg of yellow noodles, scalded in boiling water
*I used Hokkien noodle
2 tablespoons cooking oil

(A) Grind into paste
1 tablespoon dried shrimp, soaked
3 shallots
2 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon chili paste
1 candle nut (buah keras)
3 coriander roots (optional)
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 tablespoon tomato sauce
½ tablespoon of curry powder

1 ½ cup of water
1 tomato, chopped
salt and sugar to taste
1 egg, lightly beaten

(C) Garnish
Hard boiled egg
Prawns, pan fry till cooked
Blanched bean sprout
Chopped coriander leaves
cut red chilies
cut limes
1. Heat oil and add in grounded paste. Fry till fragrant and aromatic. Add water. Stir well.

2. Season with pinch of salt and sugar. Once the gravy come to boil, put in tomatoes and eggs into the gravy. Do not stir the eggs together.

3. When the eggs are cooked, turn off the heat. Reheat just before serving.

4. The scalded yellow noodles will be served in a bowl with the garnished ingredients on top of the noodles. Pour the gravy over the noodles. Enjoy!

I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest, Johor Month hosted by Annie of AnnieliciousFood


  1. I have never eaten Mee Bandung, even though have seen lots of Malay stalls selling this. Looks so appetizing and delicious!

  2. Haiz...being a Johorean, i know very little about foods in Johor!
    Yours mee bandung looks very attractive and i must try i one day :)

  3. WOW! I love this mee bandung, looks very delicious even though I've never tried this before.

  4. Hi Vivian! I've not eaten this before. Looks like Italian pasta... oh... and mee rebus too... SO this should be nice cause I love both! :D

  5. And i really thought it came from bandung, hai! I quite like this dish, its just that most stalls sell them a bit too spicy for my liking. Maybe i should try to make my own. Yours look so delicious and tempting!

  6. I love your photos! Your mee bandung is absolutely mouth watering...

  7. 哇,看了吞口水哦,

  8. looks yummy, i tried it before during uni life, really missed it

  9. Vivian, the photo is gorgeous! I did not know that Mee Bandung is a Johor dish. I used to eat it quite often when I was a student.

  10. looks wonderfully satisfying!

  11. I used to cooked in Johor food stall for three months. Nevertheless, Johorean Mee Bandung is very easy to make.
    For two serving :

    2tbsp of ground peanut.
    3tbsp of dried shrimp ( udang geragau ) - grounded
    2tbsp of dried chili paste ( with shallot and garlic ).

    Easy and delicious! :)

  12. Hi there,

    When you say curry powder, do you mean meat curry powder or fish curry powder?

    1. Both type curry powder can be used. Happy cooking!


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