
Friday, March 22, 2013

Tomato Black Bean Salad

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I love black beans. I used to cook more and keep in freezer for later used. I can have it as snack. So why not using it in salad? Here comes the easy black bean salad pair with tomatoes.

From Vivian Pang Kitchen
Tomato Black Bean Salad
150g cooked black beans
2 tomatoes, cut into small cubes
2 shallots, thinly 
1 big chili, 
thinly sliced
2 bird chilies, 
thinly sliced
Handful of coriander, cut

Juice from 2 limau kasturi
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
1 teaspoon soya sauce

1. Mix the dressing till sugar dissolve. Set aside.

2. Mix all salad ingredients into mixing bowl. Pour in dressing and toss to combine. Serve!

I use dried black beans and cook with pressure cooker. Here what I did.
1. Rinse black beans to clean. Then soak dried beans in salt water overnight.
* add ½ to 1 teaspoon salt in water

2. The next day, pour away salt water. Rinse 1-2 times to get rid of salt.
- Put into pressure cooker. Add enough water to cover the beans and cook for about 20 minutes or till soft.
*adjust the time according to your pressure cooker

I am submiting this post to 
~Little Thumbs Up event organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and My Little Favourite DIY with ‘Tomato’ as March theme


  1. I never knew a salad can make me smile :) this looks so bright and colorful

  2. My mum always tells my kids to drink more black bean soup cos its good for their cough. Next time I will ask her to use those black beans from the soup to make salad. :P

    1. Baby Sumo, black beans soup is to prevent cough? That's great. I don't know about that. All I know black bean is good but dunno for what purpose..

  3. It that really black bean? I thought is very hard and need to cook for a very long time, luckily now we have the pressure cooker. I'm surprise you have the idea of making it a salad with tomatoes. All this while, my mum cook black bean soup most of the time.

  4. Hi Vivian,
    Your salad looks so colourful and delicious! I love beans in salads, adds a nice texture and taste, healthy too!

  5. Vivian, I love the vibrant colors! Pretty and good to eat :)

  6. Do you eat black beans by themselves as a snack? :O Like without flavouring them? I've never actually had black beans but they look like kidney beans....which I don't like haha :) Your salad looks great though!

  7. Hi Viv,

    This salad looks very refreshing and healthy to eat :D

    My son is learning now that he has to eat lots of dietary fibers and I will tell him to eat more beans to encourage him to eat more salad :D



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