
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tuna Turnover with Quick & Easy Flaky Pastry (Delia Smith)

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Turnover is Bake-Along #41 theme. Actually I'm not intend to bake any as not sure what is Turnover :P After looking at apple turnover from Alice, I Love. I Cook. I Bake. with Delia Smith easy pastry, me tempting to bake some! Why not? One stone kills two birds at the same time! :D

From Wiki I understand turnover is a type of pastry made by placing a filling on a piece of dough, folding the dough over, and sealing it. The filling can be sweet or savory. Shortcrust pastry or puff pastry dough is commonly used. They can be baked and fried.

Since I serving this turnover as lunch I bake savory type with canned tuna. I mix tuna with some breadcrumbs to minimize the moisture of filling. I learnt this great tip from Zoe, Bake for Happy Kids. Yes it works very well! Thanks Zoe!
The flaky pastry is indeed quick to prepare and have to work quickly too as it gets soften easily in our hot climate. Just after done shaping, my dough starts 'sweating'! Luckily I manage transfer them to baking pan without much tearing. I keep them in fridge while preheating oven. When the oven is ready then only remove out from fridge, apply egg wash and bake. Although the pastry is not as flaky as store bought puff pastry it consider good with the little effort. The pastry is fragrant and crisp. Love it! I definitely will make it again.

Tuna Turnover with Quick & Easy Flaky Pastry (Delia Smith)
~ Pastry
110g butter
175g all-purpose flour
pinch of salt
3 tablespoons cold water

~ Filling
4 tablespoons canned tuna(tuna in mayonnaise)
2-3 tablespoons breadcrumbs
*mix together and set aside

~Egg wash
½ egg, lightly beaten
Some white sesame seeds for topping

1. Keep butter wrapped in a plastic, and freeze for at least 45 minutes.

2. Sift flour and salt in a large bowl, grate frozen butter on top of the flour. Use butter knife to mix evenly (do not use hands).

3. Sprinkle water with hands all over and mix again with butter knife for a few seconds, then you may finish off with hands. Dough should be moist, combine altogether, and leave the bowl fairly clean, no need to knead the dough. Wrap it up and rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

4. Bring the dough out from the fridge (once can be rolled out is good to go! about 5 minutes). Place the dough in between cling wrap, flatten the dough with rolling pin. Shape according to preference (I made about 5-6 rectangles).
*if dough is soft and sticky to handle, do chill before add filling

5. Place the filling on half side and fold up over the filling. Transfer to baking sheet then seal the edges with fork.

6. Brush the top with egg wash and sprinkle with some sesame seeds. Bake in preheated oven 200C for about 20 minutes (depending on the size) until browned and puffed. Serve warm or at room temperature.

I'm submitting this post to

Cook Like A Star hosted by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids, Baby Sumo from Eat your heart out and Mich from Piece of Cake


  1. Agree its not as good the store bought pastry, but good enough for home made. Your tuna puffs look great.

  2. Vivian, your tuna turnovers look so yummy!

  3. Hi Vivian,
    So nice to see your turnovers! Tuna filling sounds yummy, my son's favourite! I am actually craving for some savoury ones, maybe I'll make some next week!
    Thank you for baking along with us!

  4. The pastry looks wonderful. The sesame seeds on top are a nice touch. I like the idea of a savory turnover. They are so often filled with something sweet. Thank you for linking this week!

  5. Hi Viv,

    Glad that you like the addition of breadcrumb of pastry filling. It works very well for my vegetarian "sausage" pastry and I reckon DS is great writing this brilliant recipe.

    Totally this rough pastry is never as puffy as the commercial puff pastry but I reckon homemade pastry is definitely fresher and better tasting than the commercial ones.


  6. good morning vivian, cant remember zoe talking about the breadcrumbs but will remember since you are highlighting it now. Sounds like this delia's pastry is quite a good one :)

  7. Great attempt at making your own flaky pastry :)

  8. Wow!! U r amazing!! Doing flaky pastry from scratch.. Gonna try it out..
    Glad to know some of you thru Bake-Along,,, =) Am following you from now...

  9. I love this recipe! I'm sure this is delicious and my kids would love it.

  10. Stopping by from See Ya in the Gumbo~ What a great recipe:) This is something I am definitely going to try~Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines now following on GFC

  11. My friends enjoyed this one. Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe.

  12. Love it! It was so great and very delicious.

  13. This is great for picnic. Love to try this one.


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