
About Me

I started blogging since Nov 2011. At that time, both my kids started attending school and they have their own play time. As they grow, they depend less on me. That’s when I began to look for something to fill my free time. I enjoy surfing recipes on the Internet. I love to browse through recipes especially sweet desserts. There are a lot of talented food bloggers who share their knowledge, ideas and experiments relating to food. Being exposed to the blog sphere, I was aspired to start my own blog. And that's how Vivian Pang's Kitchen came about. 

After about two years of blogging, I now think it is time to update my blog and to provide easier access to my blog recipes contents.

As I mentioned earlier, I started mainly to fill my free time. However, things have changed after having my 3rd child. I no longer have much time on hand as I used to. Despite that, I couldn’t stop  blogging as it has become part of my life and very much my interest. This blog has records of my culinary adventure throughout my time blogging. The experience of organizing my recipes, ideas and experiments on food via sharing have become a part of my learning process as well.

I enjoy spending time in the kitchen preparing food that my family and I like. One of the perks of homecooked meals is to be able to serve the family with more nutritious food. With this blog, I have more exposure to new thoughts, new ideas and new recipes related to food. This means more new recipes or food for my family too. Baking or cooking, photography, writing posts and blogging have motivated me to learn and grow in pursuit of my passion on food.

Being a full-time mum, I love to spend more time with my 3 young children. I might not be able to reply your mails or questions promptly. Nonetheless, do not hesitate to leave comments on my posts. I will surely response and reply when time permits.
