
Friday, August 17, 2012

Cream Cheese Buns/ 17hrs Pre-fermented Sponge Dough


I was attracted by Sabrina 'yoga' bread. Immediately I bookmarked and try out. After the 1st time, I bake for 2nd, 3rd, 4th... and many times to come! Yes this 17 hours pre-fermented sponge dough bread has been my regular bread making method. I'm sure whoever tried will like it too ^^ Do visit Sabrina blog for her beautiful bread photos. You will impress how her 'yoga' bread looks like!

This portion is enough for two 450g sandwich loaf tins. But today I used it for my cream cheese buns.

~cream cheese filling (for 9-12 buns)
30g butter
40g icing sugar

100g cream cheese
1 egg yolk

10g cornflour

Cream butter and icing sugar till combine (hand whisk will do). Add in cream cheese and yolk. Make sure well combine before adding the next ingredient. Lastly add in cornflour and fold to combine. Keep chill until little firm to touch.

* it is a lot easy to handle and wrap with chilled cheese filling.

~17 hours pre-fermented sponge dough(yield about 300g)
1/4 tsp instant yeast
150g water
150g bread flour
Add yeast, water and flour in sequence into a container (same container for storage as well). Mix with spatula till well combine. Cover and leave at room temperature for an hour.

After an hour at room temperature.

Keep inside refrigerator at least 16 hours before used.

After 16 hours inside fridge.

Sticky 17hours pre-fermented sponge dough is ready to be used.

*I find that it is easy to mix by adding yeast, water and lastly flour.
*I prefer to use all the chilled sponge dough after the 17 hours. Unless you need big portion of bread dough.

~main dough (yield about 810g dough)
50g sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg
75ml water (or milk)
350g bread flour
1 tsp instant yeast

50g butter

~ Topping
Some egg for egg wash
Few cubes of butter
Some sugar for sprinkle

1. Put all pre-fermented sponge dough into mixing bowl. Follow by the rest of ingredients for main dough except butter. Knead till form dough. Then add in butter and knead till form smooth and elastic. Cover and leave to rest for 1 hour 15 minutes.

2. Transfer to working surface. Divide the dough into 65g portions. Shape into balls and leave to rest for 10 minutes.

3. Roll out the ball into disc. Wrap with cream cheese filling. Seal tight and shape into round. Place on grease paper and leave to rest for 45 minutes or double its size.

4. Apply egg wash. With a pair of scissors make a small cross cut on top. Place a cube of butter and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 15 minutes.

buns are ready to be baked!

Here I like to take this opportunity to wish
Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Holidays
to all my readers.


  1. Oh, you buns look really soft, i must try this soon. Can we keep sponge dough over than 17hrs?

    1. I did bake with sponge dough kept more than 17hrs(within 3 days) and the results is still great. Wait for your soft bread post. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Your buns look so soft and fluffy. I used this method (overnight sponge dough) for my Coconut-Cranberry Scrolls too (which I posted today) and mine didn't turn out as soft as yours. Wonder what I did wrong.

  3. Your bun has a nice soft texture. Definitely yummy!

  4. I can definitely see why you would make these buns often! They look so soft and perfectly tempting. I'm going to add it to my ever-growing list of breads that I want to try! Thanks so much for adding adding it to the BYOB bread basket this month, Vivian. =)

  5. thks for sharing this, i'm so interested in any bread recipe with no softener whatsoever and still can stay soft and fluffy
    you're always one of my bread guru, Vivian :)
    i remember using ur recipe for my first attempt in baking bread and wondered why yours can be fluffy and mine cant - now i know, it's the skill :)
    will give this recipe a try :)

  6. These look so delicate and tasty I can see why they are go-to standard for you. Thank you for sharing this with BYOB.

  7. Delightful buns! Looks so soft and delicious! A lovely treat for a satisfied breakfast! With a cup of black coffee! :)

  8. each time i see people making 17hrs bread, i said i want to try..but still not done yet :(

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