
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pumpkin 'Puppy' Manton/ Straight Dough Method

Recently I saw this 'puppy' shaped buns appeared in food blogsphere. They look cute. Do you think so? Here I would like to share with my readers on this less effort and easy to shape cute 'puppy'. Thanks to blogger friends for their sharing :)

I make 'puppy' steamed buns instead of bread. For the eyes I prefer black beans as the black beans look more like eyes and nose. Do use cooked beans as you can enjoy the 'puppy' with those eyes and nose :D I hope your family members especially kids like them. Let's see how to make your own edible 'puppy'!

Lovely texture!

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup low protein flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp instant yeast
30g sugar
200g pumpkin purée
80ml water

Some cooked black beans for decorate
*Tip on how to cook black beans.
Soak the beans in salt water overnight (or several hours). After the soaking process the beans will turn soft to press but still hard inside. Cook with pressure cooker for about 5 minutes or according to your pressure cooker instruction. The cooked black beans can be kept well in freezer. Do cook more as it is nice and good to eat as snack at anytime.

1. Put flour, baking powder, yeast, sugar and pumpkin puree into mixing bowl. Add in water and knead to form soft dough. Cover and rest for one hour or double in size.

2. Transfer the dough to working surface. Divide into 80g portions. Shape into round and leave to rest for 10 minutes.

3. Roll out into oval shape. With a pizza cutter make cuts at both sides to shape ‘ears’. Place on greased paper and leave to rest for 20 minutes.

4. Decorate with cooked black beans for ‘eyes’ and ‘nose’.

5. Start steaming from cold water with medium heat. Once the water boiled steam further 8 minutes.

6. Leave the steamed buns inside steamer for few minutes before open the lid.

I'm sharing this cute 'puppy' steamed buns at :

~Recipe Box 10 hosted by Bizzy Bakes


  1. Wow, these are so cute! I love the use of black beans for the eyes and nose of the puppies and I'm a big fan of using pumpkin! Thanks so much for sharing these with Made with Love Mondays and I'm sure everyone will love them...

  2. Your Puppy Buns look amazing. Thanks for showing how to shape the cute little puppy buns.

  3. Haha they are so cute... I bet they are very tasty too!

  4. 小狗狗很可爱哦。。。。。不舍得吃它。

  5. makes me smile looking at these puppies!

  6. These are really cute and looks delicious too! Definitely will bring a smile to anyone! :)

  7. These are so kids would love it if I made these.


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