
Friday, August 23, 2013

Roselle Ripple Cheesecake Ice Cream (without ice-cream maker)

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Do you familiar with this kind of ice cream cup? My kids used to buy and I keep these used cups. Now, they are perfect for my roselle ripple cheesecake ice cream ^^

The ice cream do not need ice cream maker and yet yield smooth and creamy texture. Being inspired by Wendy Raspberry Ripple Cheesecake Ice Cream I used homemade pickled roselle instead raspberry. As like Easy No Bake Cheesecake I blend the pickled roselle into purée to create the ripple. Making into individual serving cup not only easy to consume but also save storage space in freezer. 

Adapted and slightly modified from Wendy Raspberry Ripple Cheesecake Ice Cream
Roselle Ripple Cheesecake Ice Cream
250g cream cheese, room temperature 

80g sugar
200g plain yogurt

200ml whipping cream
30g condensed milk
pickled roselle purée (see pickled roselle recipe here) 

*Drain pickled from syrup then blend in food processor till fine. If the puree is too thick just add in syrup to get the right consistency purée. 

1. Beat cream cheese with sugar until smooth and creamy.

2. Mix in plain yogurt. Taste it. Add more sugar if it’s too sour. Different brand of plain yogurt taste differently.

3. Add cream and 30g condensed milk (
(less if the cheese mixture is too sweet) in a chilled bowl. Whip the cream until soft peaks.

4. Fold the cream into the cheese mixture.

5. Fill the ice cream cups with the cheese mixture about half way. Dollops some roselle purée over and swirl with chopstick to spread it around. Fill again with cheese mixture till almost full. Again dollops roselle purée over and swirl again. Cover and keep in freezer for few hours or more to set.

6. When about to consume, remove the ice cream cup from freezer and leave at room temperature for about 10 minutes before serve. 

I'm linking this post to 

Ms. enPlace


  1. Hi Vivian, I used to keep these ice cream cups too and still have it in my store! Very easy and yummy ice cream. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. You are so brilliant, cheese cake ice cream with roselle! Love it! Use to eat ice-cream in this cup before but I use this cup to put stationary last time! Haha!

  3. Oh i def remember such cups when young.

  4. Yummy !
    Coffee flavored cakes are my personal favorite.Always look for any kind of coffee cake and the recipe seems interesting and would like to try it.

    Finn Felton

    Kopi Luwak

  5. This ice cream is beautiful. I love that bright swirl. I also appreciate that this does not require an ice cream maker. I don't have one and I really don't have the space for one either. Thank you for linking this week!

  6. Hi Vivian! My kids would love your ice cream!!!

  7. you're brilliant to transform them into cup form!


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