Tuesday, September 4, 2012

One Ingredient Ice-cream

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When I browsed recipes from MasterChef web page I found Black Banana Ice Cream. After read how it is prepared make me recall One Ingredient Ice cream posted by Lena, Frozen Wing.

Yes! The only ingredient is Banana! It is unbelievable right? I'm pretty sure most of you like me very curious about this one ingredient ice cream. The only way to find out is prepare and try out!

With some honey, chocholate chips and candy for my kids
Ooo...I like it after the first taste! Silky smooth with natural sweetness. I can have all I can eat without guilt. You will know the banana aftertaste. And not all like this. My younger son still prefer the 'real' type with artificial flavourings and egg powders etc, used in commercial ice creams :D
Banana with Yogurt
You can reduce the banana aftertaste with added honey, chocolate, peanut butter etc. Some like to add fresh fruits like berries, apples, mango etc. My personal choice is with yogurt! Nowadays I addicted to this ice cream :)

Do make some for your family and enjoy this silky, smooth and yet healthy ice cream.
Arrange nicely to be frozen
2 - 3 large ripe bananas, sliced and frozen (at least 2 hours).
*sizes of the bananas depend on the type of machine that you used. Since I process with food blender, banana had to be sliced very thinly. Slice according to the capacity of your food processor or blender.

~I used food blender
Place frozen bananas into food blender. You might need to thaw a little (but still frozen) for easy blending.

Pulse the blender until bananas turn into ice cream consistency.

Serve as soon as possible. Enjoy!

*It's better to eat it immediately as it melt very fast (as you can see in the picture). Try not to re-frozen as it gets too soft. You can freeze the sliced bananas. Just blend anytime you feel like having.
*For yogurt banana ice cream just add 1-2 tablespoons yogurt and blend together with frozen banana. Or add in any ingredients you like.

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~Recipe Box 12 hosted by Bizzy Bakes

~Sweet Treats and Swanky Stuff by Something Swanky

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  1. This looks yummy and so devilishly simple! So glad you can join us for this blog hop :D. I was also thinking about making this one but wasnt so sure. But now that you've confirmed that it surely is delicious, will definitely make it.

  2. Very nice and excellent explained recipe!

  3. Tis is such a cool idea- literally ! Thanks for sharing, i cant wait to try, although i know i will be itchy finger and add some other things, especially my fav - yogurt!

  4. It is amazing how versatile, banana is, and this ice cream is a great way to use it.

  5. What a great idea, Vivian! I do use frozen banana all the time to thicken smoothies, but I've never tried to make an ice cream quite like this before... Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Hi Viv,
    This banana ice cream of yours looks so delish yet simple to make. I would like to try this ... Will bookmark this . Have a wonderful week ahead.

  7. Hi Viv,

    I remember that Lena make this ice cream too for our bake-along last year. Thought of making this too for my family but my husband and son prefer the sweeter and creamier ice cream. I think all men and children are like that.


  8. I also made this after reading on a blog! So healthy, yet delicious. I don't blend it too much because I like to leave a few chunks of frozen banana. yum!

  9. Wow that really is simple! I'm sure all kids would love eating bananas now ;)

  10. Wooo... I love Read your simple Recipe

    surely .its easy to try at hum




  11. this is simply yummy, Vivian!
    btw, you've won one of the pudding mould in my giveaway
    pls email me to ilove.icook.ibake@gmail.com with your mailing add so i can mail out asap
    thks :)

  12. yeah, actually this is quite nice especially with some added nuts or sauce. This is definately quick to make and healthier version.

  13. Hayırlı sabahlar, ellerinize sağlık. Çok iştah açıcı görünüyor. İyi hafta sonları.


  14. Simple, Quick and Healthy Banana Ice-Cream. Even i don't like to blend it too much because I like to have few chunks of frozen banana while eating. Totally worth it. Thank you so much for sharing such recipe's.

    Ice-Cream Global Market Analysis


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