Wednesday, December 26, 2012

No-Knead Dinner Rolls (Martha Stewart)

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I see Lora of Cake Duchess sharing this no knead bread recipe of Martha Stewart. She gave tumps up for this incredible easy to make bread with incredible soft and fluffy texture! Without much consideration I decide to try. 
As Asian we prefer soft and light bread. In order to achieve that bread flour with strong gluten is being used. The bread dough has to be kneaded till can be stretched into very thin membrane. But for this recipe all-purpose flour is used and no kneading is required! Therefore I really curious how soft this bread will be.


I used half of the recipe. I sprinkled some white sesame seeds on top of buns before send into oven. As you can see the dough is very sticky. Even after the proving time the dough still too sticky to handle with hand. With the help of scraper and spatula I manage to divide and transfer the dough into baking pan.

After done mixing. Very sticky dough.

After 1 hour proving...still sticky...
The result...Yes ! The texture is soft even the next day! However don't expect getting same texture like bread made with high gluten flour. I would say these no knead bread texture is fluffy and crumbly. If you give it to child do remember to sit them at easy cleaning station. Or else you will end up collecting crumbs all over your house :D My kids and I enjoy these fluffy buns but not my hubby. He still prefer those 'real' bread :D
Adapted from Martha Stewart No-knead dinner rolls
Half the recipe
1 cup warm water
7g active dry yeast 
40g sugar
2 tablespoons melted butter (replace with vegetable oil) 
1 egg, lightly beaten
½ teaspoon salt
3 cups all-purpose flour (spooned and leveled), plus more for shaping dough

1. Pour warm water into a large bowl; sprinkle with yeast, and let stand until foamy, about 5 minutes.

2. Add sugar, butter, eggs, and salt; whisk to combine. Add flour; mix until incorporated and a sticky dough forms.

3. Brush top of dough with butter (I omit, could it be the reason why my dough still sticky to handle after proof ?); cover bowl with plastic wrap, and set aside in a warm place until dough has doubled in bulk, about 1 hour.
4. Turn dough out onto a well-floured work surface. With scraper divide the dough into half. Each half divides into 3 portions. Then, each portion cut into 2 parts. Repeat the same for the other half. Each half has 6 pieces of dough (total of 12 pieces).


5. Generously grease a round 9' baking pan. Place dough balls in and let it rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk, 30 to 40 minutes.
*The dough is very sticky. I used scraper and spatula to 'shape' and transfer into pan.


6. Apply egg wash. Sprinkle the top with some white sesame seeds. Bake in preheated oven 180C for about 30 minutes. Bake until golden and rolls sound hollow when tapped on bottom (tent with aluminium foil if browning too quickly).

I'm submitting this post for this month :
~Cook like a Star, Martha Stewart, organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids, Baby Sumo from Eat your heart out and Riceball from Riceball Eats

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  1. Viv,

    Your dinner rolls look so fluffy and soft. I prefer my bread that way too. I usually don't like working with sticky bread dough but if it gives that result, I'll try it.

    Happy Holidays!


  2. I've never try it in this way. Sounds good and interesting!

  3. It is really a good choice for people who don't have a mixer at home.
    I used to do this no-knead bread ,the recipe is from "5 minutes bread" by Jeff Hertzberg & Zoe Francois.

  4. Howdy Vivian! Wishing you a berry Merry Christmas & a blessing New Year. I'm sure you're having a fabulous time. Enjoy & have fun on this festive season.
    Best wishes, Kristy

  5. very interesting Vivian, looks soft to me
    u mixed the ingredients with electric mixer or by hand?

    1. I mixed with stand mixer. Of course mixing by hand can get the sticky dough done too. Have a great day!

  6. Viv,
    Your no knead bread sounds fluffy and nice to me.
    Would like to try this ..bookmarked!!

  7. No knead... sounds good! Haha! Easy and quick.

  8. the 1st picture of the roll looks incredibly soft!

  9. Hi Viv,

    Sorry that I was late visiting your post as I was away for a short Christmas break. Now I'm finally back to blog.

    No knead involving in this bread! This recipe is indeed very amazing and interesting. The bread dough looks wet and porous.


  10. Hi! Just want o tell you that I just bake this bread. Indeed it is very delicious! Thanks!

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