
Monday, December 31, 2012

Year 2012 At A Glance

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Year 2012 has been a great year for Vivian Pang Kitchen, my humble blog. Thanks for all your supports, comments and encouragement via Vivian Pang Kitchen website, Facebook page and other social networks channels. Ever since I start my blog my baking and cooking skills has been improve a lot. It has been a fun and great journey of having blogger friends around who used to share their great food. Being a follower and reader of their blog I’ve been exposed to many varieties of food and great way of baking, cooking, ideas etc.
After looking at my year 2012 posts archive I discover not much cooking I done. Well…I like sweet dessert and I prefer baked goods :D I just can’t resist to add into my ‘To bake’ list when looking at those mouth watering desserts recipes. Well for the coming year I would like to explore different cooking recipes instead of baking. Especially on Asian dishes which I used to grown up with. I know I have a lot to learn to get the dishes done well. I hope after today post I really work on dishes as I promise myself :D If really happen…my hubby will be the 1st person who support because he is the one who prefer savoury dishes instead of dessert. I hope he will happy be my ‘white mouse’ for the dishes I prepared. LOL!

Today I like to highlight some of the recipes which I posted in year 2012.

~Most frequent visit recipes
My family has been enjoying this easy to prepare and great Japanese style pork chops. Now it has been become our family favourite dish especially my kids.
Japanese style crispy pork chop
Some might not heard of this kueh. I didn’t know its name until I read it in one of blogger friend post. This actually is under steamed bun family which I enjoy very much during my teenage years. Therefore I’m very happy after seeing this hardly find traditional kueh recipe.
Moho kueh 2nd recipe

Moho kueh 1st recipe

I used to bake bread for my family, almost every 2 days! This is a great recipe for soft fluffy bread which my family enjoy the most.
Cream cheese bun with 17hrs pre-fermented method

~My favourite photos
Thanks to my hubby for this wonderful present, DSLR camera which I like very much! Ever since I own it I enjoy taking picture of my food. This are some photos that I like to share. A lot of room for me to improve my photography skills.

My 1st posted photo with DSLR camera, chicken nuggets. It is my kids favourite ^^
Chicken nuggets
I like the 'mood' of this photo :)
Zebra pandan cheesecake
Most of the time I hardly get the photos of chocolate bakes. I'm happy with this photo as I can capture the gooey texture of this brownies.
Applesauce brownies

Another great shot of brownies that I like.
Not so checkerboard brownies

~Successful bakes
This year I manage to get quite number of successful bakes from my oven. Knowing my oven temperature really play important role of getting nice bakes.

*Healsio water oven AX-700V(S) from SHARP

A) Cheesecake - I can have nice cheesecake without much cracks at 120C with steamed bake.
Marble cheesecake
B) Sponge cake (in normal pan for birthday cake)- sponge cake rise without much shrinkage at 140C.

Sponge cake

C) Swiss roll-bake at 180C with steam bake gives moist and easy to roll Swiss roll.
Chocolate Swiss roll

~Fun times
My sons are crazy with Angry Birds same as me..not the games. I like to play with the characters :)
Special cupcakes with Angry birds characters
This year I enjoy having Christmas bakes in my kitchen. I can't believe I make these.

Christmas Log cake

Chocolate cake pops

~Several attempts recipes
Some of the recipes I need to make several times to get it done :D My most attempts recipes are below.
Smilling char siew pau in traditional way
These dumpling require wrapping skills

~Reliable recipes
I found some realiable recipes. Among them I like to hightligh the below.

Great pie crust recipe. Will use it whenever want to make pie.
Durian tarts
Give great texture of red bean filling.
Red bean filling
Indeed very easy to prepare yet give great moist chocolate cake
Easy chocolate cupcake
Have some ripe banana around your house?Give this banana muffin recipe a try. You will love it as much as I do.

Easy banana muffins
Lastly I would like to wish all Happy Cooking and a very Happy New Year. May Year 2013 bring happiness, joy and prosperity for you and your family. Looking forward to share many more delicious recipes in Year 2013.
Happy New Year! 


  1. Hi Vivian!

    A great roundup! Happy new year to you and your family!

  2. Happy New Year to you and family and all the very best for 2013!

  3. Nice roundup, especially the cakes, love their smooth surfaces! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  4. Happy new year to you, vivian! Happy baking and happy cooking too!

  5. Hi A very Happy New Year to you and your family.

  6. Hi Vivian, i have recently started to followyour blog. Nice recap, look forward to more lovely recipes from you this coming year.

  7. Vivian,very nice roundup! Will check out those posts that I missed. Wishing you and family a Happy 2013 and all good things to come!

  8. Happy New Year to you! Looking forward more wonderful recipes from you.

  9. Delicious roundup!
    Looking forward to more of your delicious cooking and mouth-watering desserts in 2013!
    Happy New Year and all the best in 2013!

  10. Hi Vivian, Happy New Year. My friends say I'm a hardworking person because I baked and I cooked a lot. But I think you are so much better cos' your bakes are always that well done until I sometime just admire them. Me too prefer savoury food to sweet desserts. Most of my sweet 'food' goes to relatives and friends.


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